What’s Easter Got To Do With It?

Resurrection - Light In The Empty Tomb With Crucifixion At Sunrise

For many people Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year because it represents the resurrection of Christ. But, what does Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets and new outfits have to do with our risen King? Unquestionably, Jesus was a Jew and observed Passover. Jesus never practiced an Easter holiday. So how was Passover changed into what is now celebrated as Easter?

For those who sincerely want to understand and learn truth, church history is a fascinating study. The means by which Passover was replaced with Easter is due to paganistic origins. After Constantine The Great came into power entered pagan gods. Easter was initially a celebration of Ishtar which is a fertility god. Now, I know many of you find church history a boring topic especially if you prefer motivational messages over sound doctrine. Hearing things that make us feel good is far less convicting than truth that makes us feel conviction. However, learning church history arms you with not only being deceived against false doctrine but to life out your faith in the proper context. With that being said, let’s learn some background on Constantine The Great.

From the time of the destruction of temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70 until around 303 A.D. Christians were under tremendous persecution, but in 311 Galerius (one of the major persecution of Christians) issued the Edict of Toleration legalizing Christianity. With Galerius dead, Constantine The Great and Maxentius came forth to take the throne. While Constantine and his army were on the way to Maxentius he claims he saw a cross of light in the sky. He later claimed that Jesus appeared to him in a dream and showed him the cross he had previously seen in the sky thus he marked his soldiers shields with this sign and converted to Christianity. Long story short, Constantine won the battle against Maxentius and became the Emperor of Rome. When Constantine came to power, because he already Pagan he merged his pagan practices with Christianity. Thus, the traditional holiday “Easter” is based on pagan practices rather than the scriptures. The watershed of the gospel has created a time of year where both Christians and non-Christians can enjoy. For some the only time they attend church is on Easter Sunday. And, I’m not saying stop going, please continue to attend church because there is a greater chance of you hearing God’s voice every time you go that’ll cause you to give your life to Him. So, please don’t stop going even if you just attend only on Easter, because that’s not what I’m saying. Many churches advertise their services as Easter because that’s what most people are accustomed to. But it’s important that we learn our church history and our faith.

For more information on church history that will provide you a tremendous reference, I want to invite you to check out these links “The Five Watersheds of History & Theology” and “A Journey Through Church History.” Dr. Dana Carson, a systematic theologian and scholar is not a novice on the subject matter. He has written over 200 books on the Kingdom of God. These books are sure to bless your socks off if you are a serious student of the Word.

Published by: Kim Petitt

As a person living with a disability challenge is part of my life. I struggled with my identity and I recognize that I still have insecurities to face, but that doesn't mean I can't walk in everything God has purposed me to walk in despite my insecurities. Because of the nature of my condition and physical disability, God's grace is evident in my life everyday and I find strength in the word of God that says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who gives me power". (CJB).

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16 thoughts on “What’s Easter Got To Do With It?”

  1. Easter is also closely related to the equinox and spring. We tolerate a little Spring rain to enjoy the sunshine that follows. It’s just like we tolerate a little heartburn to enjoy copious amounts of Easter candy! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, if your desire is to just celebrate a holiday then that’s how people would do it. But if you are truly celebrating the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ then it extends far beyond Easter candy and other festivities. Jesus gave His life for us by dying a death that He didn’t deserve so that we could have everlasting life with Him in Heaven. It should have been us because of our sins, but He loved us so much that He took our place. After Jesus was crucified on the Cross He rose again on the third day with all power, He defeated death, the grave and Satan. We can have everlasting life if we confess that we are sinner in need of grace and accept Jesus into our hearts as our personal Lord and Savior and live for Him.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sure, I was simply referring to the origin of Easter, long before it was a Christian holiday it used to be a pagan celebration related to the change of seasons.


      2. The name of the God or Goddess depends on where you were at, and in which time. In England for example the Germanic goddess Ostara was honored up to the 8th century. You will find pagan type festivals in every culture that is close to nature (with that I mean that they mainly depend on agriculture). It is obvious why the changes of the seasons were such a big deal to them, and the church efficiently turned such festivals into Cristian holidays.


      1. Sometimes, it’s just biblical ignorance due to the five watersheds of history and theology–Romanization, Europeanization, Colonization, Westernization and Americanization.

        Here is a link for more information, if you’d like to check it out


        Also, if you are available I’d like to invite you to our Noon Bible Study tomorrow. The topic is Relevant Pulpits. I think you will find it very enlightening. You can:

        Facebook (Dana Carson)
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        I hope to see you in cyberspace! Also, if you are unable to make it to the live broadcast the Bible Studies are recorded and you can go back in your spare time and listen to it.


      2. It’s not possible to discover something that belongs to someone else. It may have given way to religious freedom but it also gave birth to the African American slave system.

        I apologize I don’t think I mentioned its in central time zone. But you can go back and view it in your leisure. Thank you so much for being my guest I believe you will be blessed.


      3. God is control, if He Abraham ahead of time Israel would be slaves in Egypt, who is to know His plans of the rest of the world, America, has to the most religious freedom, in the world, most of Europe is being flooded by Islamic .


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