M-POWERED: Beyond My Fears T-Shirts

M-POWERED: Beyond My Fears T-Shirts

Hello Everyone! Happy Memorial Day!!

Exciting Announcement! Introducing my latest T-shirt design, a powerful representation of courage and strength.

Embrace Courage

We refuse to let fear dictate our actions; instead, we view it as an opportunity for growth. The Beyond My Fears’ T-shirts serve as a constant reminder of the power, love, and sound mind we possess to conquer any obstacle, according to 2 Timothy 1:7. Show off this reminder with pride!

Share the Message

When you put on the T-shirts, you embody the spirit of courage. Share your personal experiences, motivate and uplift others, and spread the message that fear does not hold us back—it pushes us towards progress. Picture the far-reaching impact of empowerment!

🛒 Get Yours Today: Explore my website and proudly express your courage. Let’s ignite a bold revolution! 🚀


Published by: Kim Petitt

As a person living with a disability challenge is part of my life. I struggled with my identity and I recognize that I still have insecurities to face, but that doesn't mean I can't walk in everything God has purposed me to walk in despite my insecurities. Because of the nature of my condition and physical disability, God's grace is evident in my life everyday and I find strength in the word of God that says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who gives me power". (CJB).

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