God’s Timing, Our Trust: Aligning Our Dreams with Divine Plans

You’ve got that dream, right? The one that’s more than just a wish—it’s a piece of your soul. You’ve given it: your time, your energy, and all the hope you’ve got because you believe it’s going to make a real difference. But then, things start to shake apart. The people who said they’d stick with you, who were all-in for the vision, start to slip away. And there you stand, feeling a kind of alone that weighs on your heart, and you ponder, “What do I do now?”

That pain, that deep-down hurt when you’re the only one left holding onto a dream that was meant to be a team effort—it’s real. Maybe those people have new dreams now, maybe their enthusiasm waned, or perhaps their lives are too full to journey alongside you any longer. It’s rough, but it’s part of life. If they need to step back, support their decision and hold no grudge. Their leaving doesn’t negate the care and passion they once shared with you; it just simply signifies their role in your dream has come to an end.

But here’s the thing—if God laid this dream on your heart, trust that He’s got it all figured out. He knows what He’s doing, and He will send the right people along when the time is right. These are the people who will be there for the long haul. They will be with you through thick and thin and be just as committed to your dream as you are.

There are times when we have to pick ourselves up and try a different way. It’s not starting from zero; it’s moving forward with all the lessons and knowledge you’ve gained. Sometimes, things need to fall apart so better things can fall into place. So, wish well to those who have walked away and focus on the road ahead.

Published by: Kim Petitt

As a person living with a disability challenge is part of my life. I struggled with my identity and I recognize that I still have insecurities to face, but that doesn't mean I can't walk in everything God has purposed me to walk in despite my insecurities. Because of the nature of my condition and physical disability, God's grace is evident in my life everyday and I find strength in the word of God that says in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who gives me power". (CJB).

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